Akhil Gujarat Truck Transport Association was founded in the year of 1978 in august presence of Central Minister for Road and Transport, Gujarat State Minister for Road and Transport, President of Gujarat Chamber of Commerce and several other dignitaries. Commonly known as AGTTA, is umbrella body of 105 various transport associations operational at district levels of State of Gujarat covering over 8.5 lacs of commercial vehicles. AGTTA is instrumental since over three decades.
A glance at the record of its history speaks volumes about the role of AGTTA. AGTTA has been instrumental in not only resolving the issues vexing the several transport associations of Gujarat, but has involved itself in the all round development of the transport owners as a part of core activity. AGTTA is associated with All India Motor Transport Congress to address national level concerns and issues of members.
Pillars of the success of AGTTA contributed by leadership of past presidents Shri Rameshbhai G Vasant, Shri Samnatbhai Odedara, Shri Bhagwanbhai D Barad, Shri Nandlal K Thapar, Shri Mavajibhai B Dodiya, Shri Vasanbhai G Aahir. With constant endeavours of committee members, office bearers AGTTA render effective services and growth to members. AGTTA has expert committees which devote their time, attention and co-ordinate activities in their areas of expertise. These committees also plan and implement exclusive events in their selected spheres. AGTTA also extends its expertise, experience and feedback at numerous platforms, committees, councils, commissions and other bodies to address concerns of members.
Objective of AGTTA is to address issues related to :